Forest House Ranch
Starting from the Ground Up
For our family to achieve our mission, we have to make the house safe and accessible. The foundation of the Forest House is as natural and is a true representation of what builders used in the 1800's. The House has a combination of logs harvested from the ranch, brick and motor that was used to support the outer structure such as the porches and the most vulnerable piece of the foundation are stacked unsecured rocks. A corner of the house has a noticeable slant due to being supported by the unsecured rocks.
Therefore, the foundation is our first priority to restore the house. There is daylight showing through the ballroom walls, the wall paper and plaster are falling and crumbling from the ceiling and walls are all over the floor in different rooms of the house. The single pained windows break and pop out from the shifting of the house. The bats have infested the house and have made quite a mess.
These are just to name a few of the things we must tackle to bring the house back to it's true glory. We can't do it alone! We have created this site to build awareness, interest and hopefully to get you to take action and help us in our mission.
Please feel free to contact us to see how you can get involved.
You can make your tax free donations to the Friends of the Siskiyou County Museum Non Profit at: P.O Box 82, Yreka, Ca 96097 (530 340-4994 or